Monday, May 30, 2011

Wind chimes

I am in LOVE with old wind chimes. Bells of rust & whimsical shapes create yard decor from a different era. 

(forgive me for posting a picture with snow in the background!)

This rainbow one was found at a garage sale for only a few dollars.  It has the most lovely sound.  And it's sturdy enough for my 2 year old to reach & bang on!  The different shape & sized bells make for various tones.

This one is more elaborate & artistic.  It's kept in a porch, which makes for a nice corner accent. 

This resembles a shell.  It's the cutest thing, hanging on an old pump house.

Last year I obtained this heart for $7 at Antiques America (info).  It resides in my kitchen.  When a breeze comes through the window, it gently chimes.

1 comment:

  1. You have a really nice blog here. I'd love you to link up with the "junk parties," there is one every day.

    coming up are Treasure Hunt Thursday and Thrifty Things Friday. (and a lot more)
