Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Mood Board

A while back I created this mood board.
It is the best definition of my personality & style.

I love all things vintage, earthy, and crafty.

This is a photo of our hunting cabin.
My husband built if from some local logs
that blew down in a storm.
It's a great place to retreat, with NO POWER or WATER.
The wood heat is extra cozy &
 we cook on cast iron or the campfire.

I get a kick out of that old coke can.
It was discovered in a lake on one of our
canoe fishing trips way up north in Minnesota.
How long did that can deteriorate?

I love feathers of all kinds &
this cluster from a grouse
is out my collection of "found" plumage.
I spend a lot of times wandering in the woods,
which has it's rewards!

The glitter deer sticker is on some old
song book paper & I put it in a
vintage portrait frame.

One of my addictions is collecting old photographs.
This neat old snapshot is from a Minnesota state park.

I have many old used envelopes, which have endless
mixed media uses.  You can find them for sale in my
Etsy store: MinnesotaJunker
They come in a pack of 12 & I just keep relisting them
as they sell.  Their best feature is the one & two cent stamps!

I hope you find a nugget of inspiration in my mood board.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.